D.M Aderibigbe was born in 1989 in Lagos, Nigeria. He is an undergraduate of History and Strategic Studies of the University of Lagos. His work has appeared or will soon appear in journals across 14 countries around the world including; Poetry Kanto, Rampike, Anomalous Press, B O D Y, Word Riot, and elsewhere. And a couple of anthologies, including the Kind-of-a-hurricane Press Best of 2012 Anthology - Storm Cycle
Valentina Cano is a student of classical singing who spends whatever free time either writing or reading. She has been published in many journals, some of which include:Exercise Bowler, Blinking Cursor, Theory Train, Cartier Street Press, Berg Gasse 19, Precious Metals, A Handful of Dust, The Scarlet Sound, The Adroit Journal, Perceptions Literary Magazine, Welcome to Wherever, The Corner Club Press, Death Rattle, Danse Macabre, Subliminal Interiors, Generations Literary Journal, A Narrow Fellow, Super Poetry Highway, Stream Press, Stone Telling, Popshot, Golden Sparrow Literary Review, ,White Masquerade Anthology and Perhaps I'm Wrong About the World. You can find her here:
Alex Clermont has been published in the Anthologies Out of Place, The Bodega Monthly., and Scholars and Rogues."Alex maintains a blog which is filled with creative writing and news about his published titles, including the self-published Missing Rib, released last July. Alex also smiles a lot, so say hi if you get a chance.
Shelly Drymon spent 16 years in the non-profit sector. When she turned 50, Shelly decided to pursue her creative side and took off on an adventure. She picked up a pen and camera and today her writings and photos depict the journey of her second half of life.
Born and raised in Portland Oregon, Susan Garay received a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Brigham Young University, spent some years in the Ohio Appalachians and currently lives in the Willamette Valley where she works in the Vineyard industry. She has had poetry and photography published in a variety of journals, on line and in print, and is a founding editor of The Blue Hour Literary Magazine and Press.
Gil Gildner is a documentary filmmaker by day and author by night. He is based in Searcy, Arkansas and is installed in the corner of a local coffeeshop as part of the permanent collection.
Philip Goldberg has been published in over twenty-five magazines.
Clare Goldfarb is a retired teacher and never retiring writer who lives in Atlanta with her husband and dog, Maggie.
Rob Hicks prefers writing to many other activities, including but not limited to Pétanque, work-sponsored Happy Hours, oohing and ahhing to 14th century Italian paintings, and pop culture.
Julia Hones has an incurable addiction to literature and writing. She writes poetry, flash fiction, short stories and essays. Her work has appeared in literary magazines and anthologies such as Epiphany Magazine, The Greensilk Journal, The Voices Project, Coffee Shop Poems, Skive, Flash Fiction World, "You, Me & a Bit of We" Anthology and Freedom Forge Press Anthology. She is the poetry editor of the Southern Pacific Review.
Brittany Marie Little is passionate about thriller and horror genres but enjoys writing quirky flash fiction on the side. She is currently seeking a degree in creative writing and hopes to one day be a writer in the television industry.
Ruth McNeil a stay-at-home mom to 3 wonderful but crazy boys in NH. She is originally from California but moved to New England with her husband. She loves anything creative that feeds her soul.
Richard Ong's painted artwork, stories, poetry and photos have appeared in several issues of bewilderingstories, yesterdaysmagazette. and The Blotter Magazine. One of these stories has been republished in print as part of an anthology titled, “Toys Remembered.” (compiled and edited by Madonna Dries Christensen). He is also an executive producer of a promotional movie short, “A.R.C. Angel: Kalina,” nominated for Best Guerilla Film Short at the 2013 Action on Film Festival at Monrovia, California.
Brigita Orel has had her stories and poems published in Foliate Oak Literary Journal, Cantaraville, Autumn Sky Poetry, Islet, and other print and online magazines and collections. In 2010, she was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She studied writing at Swinburne, Australia, and she lives and creates in Slovenia. You can learn more on her blog
Daniel Romo is the author of Romancing Gravity (Silver Birch Press, 2013) and When Kerosene's Involved (Black Coffee Press, 2013). His poetry and photography can be found in The Los Angeles Review, Gargoyle, MiPOesias, Yemassee, and elsewhere. He teaches high school by day and college by night. He’s, currently, the Guest Poetry Editor for Cease, Cows. He lives in Long Beach, CA and here.
Louis Staeble has a webpage filled with info about himself.
Clinton Van Inman was born in Walton-on-Thames, England in 1945, grew up in North Carolina, graduated from San Diego State University in 1977, and is a high school teacher in Tampa Bay. He lives in Sun City Center, Florida with his wife, Elba.