Three Poems Against the Night
Night breathes heavily from the phone lines
A shade of cloud lowers
Behind it the moon removes her feather boa
the star over her left eye
Her stockings fall to the ground
The embarrassed trees close over her breasts like fans
The night unbuckles itself and lies down
Moonlight sags from the eaves
like flesh on an old woman’s arm
The night turns away and gets dressed
leaves a few holes on the table She peels
her face from the windows behind her
and scrapes it against the streets all night
but it will not come clean
In a cave two angels
cobbling shoes for the moving of light
The Nature Show
Bankrupt the tulips
have taken down their signs
the dandelions
have spent the last
of their money
on the future of sod
It is summer
and I have only now
remembered spring preceded it
Soon the leaves
will be jumping from the windows
and the government
will be closing all the green banks
Night breathes heavily from the phone lines
A shade of cloud lowers
Behind it the moon removes her feather boa
the star over her left eye
Her stockings fall to the ground
The embarrassed trees close over her breasts like fans
The night unbuckles itself and lies down
Moonlight sags from the eaves
like flesh on an old woman’s arm
The night turns away and gets dressed
leaves a few holes on the table She peels
her face from the windows behind her
and scrapes it against the streets all night
but it will not come clean
In a cave two angels
cobbling shoes for the moving of light
The Nature Show
Bankrupt the tulips
have taken down their signs
the dandelions
have spent the last
of their money
on the future of sod
It is summer
and I have only now
remembered spring preceded it
Soon the leaves
will be jumping from the windows
and the government
will be closing all the green banks