The revolution will not be televised,
but you will read about in on Twitter.
Robin Hood does not take from the rich,
and give it all to the poor.
He has a web site and a legend to maintain.
The revolution will not be televised,
it will be mentioned on News 24,
between the hours of two and three,
the best time for burying the dead,
and the bad news,
without many people seeing it.
The revolution will not be televised.
It will be spoken about by Jay Leno,
Maybe Dennis Leary will talk about it,
Between periods of anger and reflective vitriol.
The revolution will not be televised.
Alumnus of Eton will line up and say how things are.
The revolution is over.
Until the next one starts.
They come crashing in like waves,
Everyday, hour by hour by hour
The revolution has been televised,
I think you missed it.
it was mentioned between a famine in Africa,
and Pippa Middleton’s new dress.
Migraine Elaine
Migraine Elaine,
is on the train,
complaining that it has been delayed,
Migraine Elaine
does not know the meaning of discretion.
Migraine Elaine
does not know the meaning of dignity.
Migraine Elaine
is telling the whole coach
that her Roger did not please her.
Roger is blameless.
He probably works in a library,
and listens to Classical music at night.
He does not want a group of strangers
to know that he failed to provide his Angel
with her delight.
Carol is listening intently on the other side of the phone.
I really hope she is a good friend,
and not some one who puts up with Elaine,
because it is rude to interrupt.
Migraine Elaine
Has no concept of time.
Migraine Elaine
Gets of at the next stop.
Now the quiet zone is quiet,
In the news bulletin,
it was revealed that the last great dictator,
had been toppled.
Later on, it was revealed that a B list
Boy band had split up.
Both stories had repercussions,
but only one would have an impact
over Saturday night Television.
This Brave New World,
where things change in the blink of an eye,
and Saturday night TV stays the same for years,
and an assassin’s sense of guilt is the same
in all currencies,
the great and good think that a karaoke competition
is good enough for the masses.
The masses are fearful for their jobs,
their livelihoods.
In smaller pockets they are fearful for their lives,
for evil to come knocking,
and go running into a night
populated by every anonymous shadow,
that once had promise.
So Westlife leave a legacy of cover versions,
Gaddaffi leaves a legacy of ruined lives, and so much worse,
and we wait to see who is next to take their place,
for the seats are never empty for long.
The Loneliness of the long distance chugger
They will seek you here.
They will seek you there.
The Girls are always pretty.
The boys a little bit square.
They will charm you with an anodyne comment,
pretend they are interested in what you say,
but you know they have to make some commission,
to eat today.
They will ask for a minute of your time,
say they do not want any money.
You plan your strategy,
hoping there is someone like you ahead,
so you can prepare your lies.
Sorry, I have not got time.
There’s a train to catch.
Someone let the Lions out, again.
But, try seeing it from their perspective.
They wait in the freezing cold,
for people to pass by,
who don’t look them in the eye.
They raise money for good causes,
and they are only trying to make a living.
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Chugger.
They hunt in packs, looking to boost morale.
If they did not carry clipboards,
or dress in uniforms,
we would think they were up to no good.
They are young enough to fall for the lies,
that one yes to a hundred no’s is all you need,
but in how many jobs are we expecting people to take
that much rejection and still carry on?
The revolution will not be televised,
but you will read about in on Twitter.
Robin Hood does not take from the rich,
and give it all to the poor.
He has a web site and a legend to maintain.
The revolution will not be televised,
it will be mentioned on News 24,
between the hours of two and three,
the best time for burying the dead,
and the bad news,
without many people seeing it.
The revolution will not be televised.
It will be spoken about by Jay Leno,
Maybe Dennis Leary will talk about it,
Between periods of anger and reflective vitriol.
The revolution will not be televised.
Alumnus of Eton will line up and say how things are.
The revolution is over.
Until the next one starts.
They come crashing in like waves,
Everyday, hour by hour by hour
The revolution has been televised,
I think you missed it.
it was mentioned between a famine in Africa,
and Pippa Middleton’s new dress.
Migraine Elaine
Migraine Elaine,
is on the train,
complaining that it has been delayed,
Migraine Elaine
does not know the meaning of discretion.
Migraine Elaine
does not know the meaning of dignity.
Migraine Elaine
is telling the whole coach
that her Roger did not please her.
Roger is blameless.
He probably works in a library,
and listens to Classical music at night.
He does not want a group of strangers
to know that he failed to provide his Angel
with her delight.
Carol is listening intently on the other side of the phone.
I really hope she is a good friend,
and not some one who puts up with Elaine,
because it is rude to interrupt.
Migraine Elaine
Has no concept of time.
Migraine Elaine
Gets of at the next stop.
Now the quiet zone is quiet,
In the news bulletin,
it was revealed that the last great dictator,
had been toppled.
Later on, it was revealed that a B list
Boy band had split up.
Both stories had repercussions,
but only one would have an impact
over Saturday night Television.
This Brave New World,
where things change in the blink of an eye,
and Saturday night TV stays the same for years,
and an assassin’s sense of guilt is the same
in all currencies,
the great and good think that a karaoke competition
is good enough for the masses.
The masses are fearful for their jobs,
their livelihoods.
In smaller pockets they are fearful for their lives,
for evil to come knocking,
and go running into a night
populated by every anonymous shadow,
that once had promise.
So Westlife leave a legacy of cover versions,
Gaddaffi leaves a legacy of ruined lives, and so much worse,
and we wait to see who is next to take their place,
for the seats are never empty for long.
The Loneliness of the long distance chugger
They will seek you here.
They will seek you there.
The Girls are always pretty.
The boys a little bit square.
They will charm you with an anodyne comment,
pretend they are interested in what you say,
but you know they have to make some commission,
to eat today.
They will ask for a minute of your time,
say they do not want any money.
You plan your strategy,
hoping there is someone like you ahead,
so you can prepare your lies.
Sorry, I have not got time.
There’s a train to catch.
Someone let the Lions out, again.
But, try seeing it from their perspective.
They wait in the freezing cold,
for people to pass by,
who don’t look them in the eye.
They raise money for good causes,
and they are only trying to make a living.
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Chugger.
They hunt in packs, looking to boost morale.
If they did not carry clipboards,
or dress in uniforms,
we would think they were up to no good.
They are young enough to fall for the lies,
that one yes to a hundred no’s is all you need,
but in how many jobs are we expecting people to take
that much rejection and still carry on?