Woman, Then
Holding on to little pieces of memory
until she could construct
the perfect image. Feeling
the volumes of night, hands
on shoulders. Nameless men touching
different parts of the story
for her to reconstruct later.
Meditations on a Statue at Faesulae
Frozen by what she can’t articulate,
she’s replaced by an effigy. Mouth-bound
Angrerona, her finger at her lips
for silence. Language is
no longer adequate. All of this
defies translation. Words can’t
contain what’s ancient & eludes meaning.
The fear & anguish men believe
she drives off, she suckles.
In a Breath
Your lips and mine defy language.
Breath containing emotion like aromas of home
navigating decades to release weather.
Imagine phenomenon. Lips think of
places. Hands and faces always need
a gaze’s quiver to cradle
our still sleeping bodies. Gently,
fingers react to touch. Kisses
waken draping legs at dawn, tracing
outlines in the sounds of pleasuring
skin. Kneel, with hips,
kissing. Climb the skin’s terrain
with mapping tongues.
Feel meaning
explode, breathing one breath.
The art of breathing
is acceptance of evaporating
beauty, cautious
of asphyxiation by angels.
Just a Terrible Angel
How dare you
come in here offering
such beauty
then giving nothing
but silence. Don’t look
for the sound of my breath.
I’m holding it
just in case
you’re listening.