Imagine a Tree
Standing solid, alone
The stories it would tell
With every swinging branch
The initials carved
Friends, Lovers
All the secrets it would keep
The scenic view as winter turns to spring, summer into fall
Flash of light
Generations of life
Home to many
The wind it whispers
Leaves gallop, Fall
Nights of many moons
Rise of Sunsets
Matching constellations
Shape-shifting clouds
Laughter, Echos
Forbidden conversations
For miles it could see
Imagine a Tree
Standing solid, alone
The stories it would tell
With every swinging branch
The initials carved
Friends, Lovers
All the secrets it would keep
The scenic view as winter turns to spring, summer into fall
Flash of light
Generations of life
Home to many
The wind it whispers
Leaves gallop, Fall
Nights of many moons
Rise of Sunsets
Matching constellations
Shape-shifting clouds
Laughter, Echos
Forbidden conversations
For miles it could see
Imagine a Tree