"If Feminism is for Ugly Girls" and "Easy on the Eyes"
by Kaity Gee If Feminism is for Ugly Girls If feminism is for ugly girls, Let me be ugly. Let my face be covered in boils and sores. Let my teeth rot into pieces. If all you desire is a pretty face, a woman who sits silent and nods to coarse words, Make me screaming and savage Make me the woman yelling Louder than a freight train. If all a woman is an object, let me be the Medusa whose head of snakes will turn you to stone. Let me be righteously terrible Let me be scar-faced, for I will bear my trauma Terrifyingly where it is plain to see. Let me be untouchable, undesirable; Let the other women laugh at my crooked nose and jagged teeth. Tell me, man With my hair of snakes and rotted smile— Do I terrify? Easy On The Eyes She was easy on the eyes, Slight in the hips. The curve of her face was a melody, And she had a piano-key spine. Looking hard in the mirror into her eyes set into a valley of dying stars, She counts her calories, The numbers drop lower than her self esteem. She measures her self-worth by the nosedive numbers on the scale. Her fingernails fade into blue, and her skin screams, cracks and peels, Her long chestnut locks have begun to fall, and her wind-up doll heart beats in slow-motion. As her rib cage juts out like jagged cliffs, Her mind fades into a blackout blur, She looks in the mirror at the stranger, sneering back at her. |