April 2014 Matthew Brennan is a writer, editor, and translator from the Pacific northwest. His work has received numerous awards and fellowships, and more than sixty of his short fiction and literary poetry translations have been published in journals, including The Citron Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, Emerge Literary Journal, The Eunoia Review, and Superstition Review. Jonathan Devin is a writer, musician, and student, currently working on his masters in English at Liberty University. His poetry has earned him publication in LAMP Magazine, the Shangri-La Shack Literary Arts Journal, and Ruminate Magazine. George Held is a seven-time Pushcart Prize nominee, publishes regularly both online and in print. His eighteenth poetry collection is Culling: New & Selected Nature Poems (Poets Wear Prada, 2014). John Oliver Hodges is the author of The Love Box, a collection of short stories that won the Tartt First Fiction Award. His stories have appeared in 60 journals, including Word Riot, Crossed Out Magazine, Raleigh Review, Cream City Review, Redivider, StoryQuarterly, Swink, and American Short Fiction. Rachel Adrianna Koehne is a senior literature major whose poetry is inspired by dreams, nature, and books. She looks forward to sharing her passion for literature in the library field where she will introduce patrons to her favorite poets: Gerard Manley Hopkins, Jane Kenyon, and Wendell Berry. C. A. LaRue studies creative writing at Hollins University and holds a B.S from the University of New Orleans. She is a registered member of the Tlingit Nation of Alaska with recent work in Deep South Magazine and Belle Journal. Greg Leichner won the First Annual Rocky Mountain Artists/Eccentric Book Competition for his 15-postcard series "Citizens For A Poodle-Free Montana." Brandon Mc Ivor was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago. In 2009, he came to New York on a government scholarship to study English. He spends his life coming and going between those places. He has had his fiction published in Buffalo Almanack, Existere, and Linguistic Erosion. Claudine Nash lives and writes in New York. Some of her recent work can be found in The MOON Magazine as well as upcoming issues of Star-Line and PKA's Advocate. Richard Ong's painted artwork, stories, poetry and photos have appeared in several issues of Bewildering Stories, Yesterday's Magazette and The Blotter Magazine. Kirie Pedersen has recent work that has appeared in Quiddity, Eleven Eleven, Folly, Chaffey Review, Caper Literary Journal, Avatar Review, Bluestem, Glossolalia, Folly Magazine, The View from Here, r.kv.r.y Quarterly Literary Review, Laurel Review, and South Jersey Underground. Charles Rammelkamp lives in Baltimore. His latest book, Fusen Bakudan (“Balloon Bombs” in Japanese), was published in 2012 by Time Being Books. It’s a collection of monologues involving missionaries in a leper colony in Vietnam during the war. Charles edits an online literary journal called The Potomac. He is also a fiction editor for The Pedestal. Ze lé Roi is a native of Los Angeles but spent several years living abroad in Asia and Latin America. As a socially conscious urban writer, Ze lé Roi's fiction incorporates aspects of pop culture, Twitter speed, sarcastic comedy, street swag and adventure in foreign lands. Connolly Ryan was born in Greenwich Village, New York in 1967. He is currently a professor of literature at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst where he was thrice a finalist for the Distinguished Teaching Award. His visceral and witty poetry has been published in various journals including Bateau, Ditch, Umbrella, Citron, Satire, Scythe, Gravel, Slope, Meat For Tea, and Old Crow. He is also a multiple Pushcart nominee. Helen Sinoradzki recently completed a memoir, Thursday's Child, and is searching for an agent or publisher. She has published several nonfiction pieces and has a short story coming out shortly in Crack the Spine. |